
- We ship to all countries.
- Orders are normally shipped via FedEx and shipping takes approximately 3-5 business days after the completion of product manufacture. Contact us if you would like an alternative-shipping courier, or have an account with FedEx or another courier you prefer us to use.
- Our delivery charges are determined by country and order size/weight. Please refer to the published FedEx priority shipping ratesĀ By continuing with the purchase, you agree to pay for the specified shipping costs.
- All orders are shipped directly to your company, university or institution address. We will not ship to a PO Box address. We will not sell products to individuals who are not associated with an approved company or institution.
- You are responsible for all customs clearance requirements applicable to the destination country of the product.
- All duties, taxes and other local charges are the responsibility of the purchaser. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for further details.